Bill Carroll, Mayor
A Message >

Bill Carroll, Mayor
A Message >
As Mayor I welcome you to Lake Station. Our city is ripe for opportunity, positioned for growth and in search of partners with vision for economic growth having the respect for its storied history and small town values. We look forward to leading Lake Station into its next stage of growth with everyone’s help and committed efforts.

February 20, 2015
On Monday, the 20th, the City of Lake Station will be closed in observance of President's Day. City Hall will be closed but you can still access our police department through the red phone in the foyer and make payments for sewer and trash bills via online portal and the red drop box in the parking lot.
Our garbage pickup will be a day late due to the holiday. There will be no special item pick-up that Friday and it will resume the following week.
As always, in the event of an emergency please remember to dial 911.
Sincerely yours,
Mayor Bill
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Latest News

The Mayor's Office is pleased to announce a new park on the West End in collaboration with the Little Calumet River Basin

Information on curbside recycling guidelines in Lake Station.
July 14, 2022

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