Water Department
1969 Central Avenue
Lake Station, IN 46405
219-962-2081 ext. 207 (Phone)
Office Hours
8:30am - 4:00pm
Closed Weekends & Holidays
Compost Hours
8:00am - 3:00pm
Monday - Friday
9:00am - Noon
Emergency After-Hours
Call Lake Station Police
(219) 962-1186
Let's all work together to beautify our city. Take time to look over your property and eliminate any items that could be seen as unpleasant to the passerby. The time/cost needed for each of us to clean our own property is so minimal but the rewards are great. Don't litter! Utilize what the city has to offer to help you keep your city presentable to your friends. We have dumpsters, curb pickup for larger items, leaf bags, etc. If you're not sure how to get rid of something, give us a call and together we'll raise the level of cleanliness and livability in our city.
Ongoing activities: storm sewer cleaning from 24th Ave South to Service, storm sewer repair from Grand Blvd. to Hancock St, tree trimming throughout Lake Station starting in District 1, Sanitary sewer lift station upgrades, road patching on Central, Fairview, & Union as required; Holiday Banners are removed and properly stored, updates will continue.
If you are billed by the City of Lake Station Public Works Department for your sewer and have a sewer backup, find a sewer spill/leak at a manhole, lift station, or notice lift station alarms please contact the city at:
Business hours: 962-8511
After hours/emergency: 962-1186
All street emergencies including traffic signal lights that are out, graffiti on City Signs/Property, fallen trees that are blocking a city road, leaf/storm related branch pickup, flooding, collapsed manholes/pipes, potholes, etc. should be called in to the Street Department at 962-8511.
The City of Lake Station is pleased to announce their new iConnect Utility Payment Services. iConnect provides Lake Station residents a secure password-protected, browser-based internet access to make utility payments online. This new service also provides residents with utility account balances and a 2-year history of billing, penalties, payments and usage data. If you need assistance logging into our iConnect portal, please contact the Water Department at 219-962-8511.
NOTICE: The iConnect payment processes charge a 2.85% fee for all transaction greater than $35.00. The fee for amounts under $35.00 is $1.00.
SAFETY REMINDER: Please refrain from giving your password to anyone. Lake Station employees or staff will NEVER request your password. We can handle any potential account issue without ever needing to know your password. If anyone impersonates a Lake Station employee or staff and is attempting to influence you to give them your password, please immediately report them to the proper authorities.